



To Whom It May Concern,

I realize on your wedding day, nothing is more important for creating a beautiful memorable ceremony than the music and musicians you select.   I am the Director of Music, vocalist, organist and keyboardist for all weddings at Saint Genevieve and have 30+ years of wedding experience.  If you request additional musicians (ex. Trumpet, violin, harpist, string quartet, flute, tympani), I am proud to say South Louisiana is home to many professionally trained musicians that offer a rich treasury of appropriate sacred and liturgical music for use during your wedding ceremony.   Any additional musicians that I hire for you (if requested) would be $200.00 - $250.00 per musician depending on the instrument.  My fee is $200.00.

When choosing music please keep in mind that secular music is best reserved for the reception and is not appropriate or allowed in the sacrament of marriage.  The Church’s teaching states, “The [music] texts must always be in conformity with Catholic doctrine, indeed they should be drawn chiefly from Holy Scripture and from liturgical sources.  Constitution on Sacred Liturgy, Vatican Council II, #121” and “Music in Catholic Worship states that to determine the value of a given musical element in a liturgical celebration a threefold judgment must be made:  musical, liturgical and pastoral. (#25)” 

Wedding policies for Saint Genevieve:

  • I will contact and hire ALL musicians for your wedding.

  • Musicians do not attend the rehearsal.

  • All musicians must be paid in full within two weeks of booking date, if not; hired musicians will take you off their books and accept other jobs.

  • In the memo section of your check please write the date and time of your wedding as your return check will serve as your receipt.

  • Half of the musicians fee is NON-REFUNDABLE to book your date (In good faith we held your date and refused other weddings = you cancel we retain half our fee).

Instrumental music will be provided for approximately 15 minutes before the wedding.

If you do not have a vocalist, instrumental music is provided during the entire ceremony.

All vocal pieces NOT on approved list need to be submitted 6 weeks in advance with complete sheet music (NOT a guitar sheet with only words and chords) for final approval.

Call or e-mail me with any questions you may have concerning your ceremony.  

In His Service,


Jodi McCasland Bollich
Director of Music
Saint Genevieve Catholic Church
417 East Simcoe Street
Lafayette, Louisiana  70501
337.234.5147 (work)